Best Succulent Plants for Florida Weather

When most people think of a succulent, they think of the cactus-resembling plant that sits in a small pot on the corner of a desk, but succulents are a lot more than trendy office decorations! We’ve compiled a list of Florida-tolerant, manageable succulents that thrive outdoors. It turns out there are a lot of benefits to incorporating these durable plants into your Gainesillve landscape design.

What Are Succulents

We all know what a succulent is … vaguely. By definition, a succulent is any plant adapted to store water. “Succulent” is a category of plants that includes cacti, but not all succulents are cacti. By allowing for longer water storage, their thick tissues give them their low-maintenance quality.

Why Succulents Thrive in Gainesville

Florida can sustain both hardy and tender succulents. Hardy succulents can endure extreme winter temperatures, some up to USDA Zone 4. Succulents in this category tend to change their physical appearance throughout the winter. Conversely, tender succulents are softer in tenacity, thriving until temperatures reach around 20 degrees Fahrenheit. “Soft” or “tender” succulents grow best in Zone 9, which includes Gainesville FL, creating the perfect match for these sturdy plants.

Succulents thrive when watered 3x per week in the warmer months and go dormant in the winter, only needing water 1-2x per season. The weather regulates these plants’ growth for you when kept outside in “Rainesville.”

Select Your Succulent

The right succulent matches your maintenance preferences, vision for ideal curb appeal, and soil type. These succulent categories are proven to grow well in North Central Florida and can add value to your yard.

  • Aloe

Yes, like Aloe vera! Aloes have pointed leaves that can be arranged to mimic the Southwestern Agave. Dependent on landscape maintenance, aloes can grow from a few inches to tree height, making this plant with its beautiful, oft-blooming flowers a centerpiece of your attractive yard.

Aloe vera is a tremendously helpful plant to have on hand! From its antioxidant and antibacterial properties to accelerated wound healing, both the latex and gel of the plant have healing benefits. Aloe also acts as an inflammation-reducing skin coolant and has the propensity to heal sunburns, a favorite fact of most beach-going Floridians.

  • Aeonium

Aeonium is a plant category known for its rosette shape. They’re often mistaken for fake plants due to their effortlessly glossy appearance — and probably match the picture of a succulent you have in your head.

Modest star-shaped flowers slowly bloom from this plant’s center. They can vary from white and yellow to more vibrant reds and greens.

  • Kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe’s long bloom period of yellow, red, orange, pink, and white flowers adds tremendous value to your curb appeal. This succulent thrives in full sun and sandy, well-drained soil. Planting your Kalanchoe in a clay pot will remove excess water, helping retain an appropriate amount of moisture in the soil. It’s important for pet owners to place their Kalanchoe in a safe place because the plant is toxic to cats and dogs.

  • Sedum

Sedum is affetionately known as Stonecrop due to its long-withstanding temperament. They will thrive in drought, high temperatures, and freezes. This succulent produces pink, white, and yellow star-shaped blooms, attracting birds and butterflies to visit your outside space. If you find the growth of your Sedum overwhelming, dividing your Stonecrop in either the spring or fall helps facilitate controlled growth.

SkyFrog is Your Expert in Florida Landscape Design

Hopefully we’ve convinced you that succulents are more than a desk decoration. If these succulent types inspired a new idea for a landscaping project, let us know! Our design team is passionate about helping clients bring new life to their yards. We offer free consultations to help you get started on your next project.